Saturday, December 31, 2011

Throwback Post #3

On this, the last day of the year, I am reminded of the wonderful times had with family and friends this past year.  It has also been a fantastic year of theatre for me, and I'd love to share pictures from the shows I was apart of in 2011.

References to Salvador Dali Make Me Hot

I love directing, but I only do it every so often because it takes so much out of you, since you are responsible for everything that happens on stage.  This was my Columbus directing debut, and we sold out the last two nights!

Death of a Salesman Stage Reading
The Woman, Miss Forsyth

Playboy of the Western World Stage Reading
Pegeen Mike

These two readings were a fantastic experience: CATCO had a live Twitter feed set up so people could tweet about the show as it was happening.  This picture is from Death of a Salesman, and you can see the large projected Twitter feed in the background.

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead 
Solstice Theatre Company
The Player

This show was a lot of fun.  We did it in the Steampunk style and the costumes were amazing!  I got to really cut loose as my character was quite an eccentric.

Titus Andronicus

Those of you who have read or seen this play know why this show was a challenge, and for those who haven't, I'll leave it to your imagination!

The Voice of the Prairie

This is quite possibly my favorite show ever.  The cast and crew were amazing, and I've never felt more invested in a role.  The play takes place in both 1895 and 1923 in the west and south of an agrarian America, and is a charming portrayal of the storytelling tradition.

Laughter and Light: A Celtic Holiday Celebration
Stage Manager

The company I co-run, Solstice Theatre, performed a winter yule Celebration as a fundraiser this year.  It was lovingly crafted by one of our founding members, Allison Hill, and was a great success!

I am looking forward to working with some new friends and some old ones this upcoming year.  Hope to see you at a show, and have a Happy New Year!!!

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