Monday, December 26, 2011

Hello, Crow!

This past Friday, December 23rd, I got my sixth tattoo: a crow. 

For me, crows have a very powerful and personal meaning.  They are said to see past, present and future, and are highly intelligent.  This little guy is my own personal good omen and a reminder to live in the moment.  Do you have any tattoos?  What do they mean to you?

My new friend was inked by the amazing tattoo artist Andy Johnson of Cap City Tattoo here in Columbus.  You can check out his work here on his Cap City artist's page

As an actor, tattoos can be a point of contention.  Luckily, there are a wonderful array of cover up products available.  I am eager to try Tattoo Cosmetic's products, as they look easy to use and thorough.  Have you tried any cover up products that you particularly like?  Any not worth trying? 

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