Wednesday, May 30, 2012

500 Clowns

I love finding new podcasts to listen to, and recently I stumbled on Talk Theatre in Chicago!  The first podcast I listened to provided some wonderful insight into producing children's theatre, and their show about auditioning was taped while an audition was happening, with actors coming out of their audition and going into taping.  How cool is that?

Today, I downloaded and listened to an episode called Interview with 500 Clowns, about the Chicago based troupe of three actors.  They take serious stories, such as Macbeth and Frankenstein, and turn them on their heads in a way that creates pathos by engaging the story in surprising ways.  

Frankenstein, from their website

The structure is that three actors are trying to put on the play Macbeth, say, and a series of misfortunes occurs that prevents them from telling the story, but as such, they are telling the story.  There is a lot of improv and audience participation, though the framework is always the same.  Doesn't it sound like fun?

I was inspired by their ideas of clowning, such as "always say yes to the audience".  This is an idea we accept between our fellow actors, but I've never heard it in regards to the audience's energy.  They also mentioned that it is the clown's job to be honest; they don't just make us laugh, they make us cry and cause us to get angry.  It is the supreme truth that elevates clowning.  Their words are inspiring, and I can't wait to see how I can implement them in Scapin:)

 500 Clown Macbeth trailer

Would you want to or have you seen their show?

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