Yesterday in the large-windowed break room at work, I noticed a fallen bird out on the ledge. The lovely little thing had a wreath of dead pine needles surrounding it supplied from a nearby row of trees. At first I wondered if it had happened by accident, but I think that was only because I was so surprised by the sight. I had never encountered a bird memorial before, but I now believe that's exactly what it was.
I started looking into birds and grieving, and have found that it's a very common thing not just for birds, but all across the animal kingdom. I came across some very touching stories about birds and their loved ones. Many are variations about a bird not leaving a mate's side after their death. Others tell about bird funerals, like this story found in Britain's Daily Mail online.
It's always sad to see an animal like that, but how wonderful to know the feathered dear was loved.
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