Saturday, January 28, 2012

Swedish Lanterns

I recently read a post written by Chelsea Fuss of {frolic!} about surviving winter, and since that is a topic near and dear to my heart this year, I wanted to share my favorite tip: lanterns!  Chelsea mentions the Swedish tradition of putting out lanterns as soon as the days turn dark.  Upon reading this, my mind was instantly flooded with images of my own home bathed in glowing light, Will and I snuggling by the fireplace (which we need to get swept out!).  Wouldn't these lanterns make everything cozier?

The lanterns remind me of reading the American Girl books about Kirsten when I was little.  She was a Swedish immigrant, and her family celebrated the Saint Lucia holiday.  Saint Lucia was portrayed by the youngest daughter in a family, and she dressed up in an evergreen crown with candles attached to it.  Though the ceremony takes place at the start of winter, it is meant to celebrate the return of the sun.  What a lovely tradition.

(Image from Linnea's Lights: hand poured soy candles.)

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